When it comes to corporate sponsorship activation, having a shorthand with sports franchises can be a key asset. Ben Shapiro relates back to his experience at selling The Golden State Warriors, first in the ticket sales office, before rising in the ranks to the executive vice president level overseeing corporate partnership revenue streams. Shapiro discusses where his company, PIVOT, can help organizations transition both the their corporate partnership activation as well as analytical measurements to increase overall ROI for the client. Shapiro talks about some of the projects that PIVOT has been involved in, primarily in the Bay Area. Twitter: @bmshapiro
For 12 of the last 15 years, Jim McNamara has been part of the Lakewood BlueClaw's success in leading in the South Atlantic League in attendance amid all fellow Single A clubs. McNamara discusses his start, as a Group Sales Assistant with the BlueClaws, and rising through the ranks, until serving at his current position as the Vice President of Ticket Sales for the past 2 seasons. McNamara talks about the New Jersey marketplace, and how affiliation doesn't matter as much as the promotion put in front of the customer, especially when it comes to packing the house.
Morris White III has his second stint on the podcast (Ep. 190), and has a new title at a new university to talk about. White discusses some of the nuances of his position at North Illinois University, as well as ways to promote the various fan experience options available to fans. White talks about the BDSE, which is part of the National Sports Forum, and how mentoring a diverse group of administrators can help grow the industry overall. Twitter: @morrisewhite3
Every sports league in the United States should be vastly concerned about the elimination of physical activity hours in the nation's schools. It is not just a matter of obesity, but also of whether that lack of participation will eliminate the interest level and become a lost generation of fans. Christy Keswick isn't alone in trying to address the issue, but her company Good Sports has made strides toward helping Boston area children gain access to equipment, apparel and footwear in order to increase the opportunities available. Keswick presents a frank, utterly disturbing state of child physical education in schools, as well as after school programs, and shares some of the valuable lessons she's learned since becoming a parent herself on what the educational system may no longer be providing in terms of recess and physical activity in general. Twitter: @Ckeswick
Want to get involved with Good Sports as a volunteer or by helping donate equipment, apparel and footwear? www.goodsports.org
The Fort Wayne Tin Caps are the essential honor to one of Indiana's greatest legacies: John Chapman, known as "Johnny Appleseed." Apart from the Disney version of Johnny Appleseed, The Tin Caps have incorporated various components of the Chapman's history into their ballpark and brand. David Lorenz, Tin Caps Vice President of Corporate Partnerships, discusses the ways in which The Tin Caps rebranded themselves to fit the family-fun model of Chapman's legend. Lorenz talks about selling B2B in the Fort Wayne area, as well as his ballpark tours, which has yielded further revenue generation benefits. Twitter: @DavidLorenzFWTC
Markeisha Everett returns to the podcast for a second go-around (Ep. 361). Back then, she was at West Virginia. Now, two years later, Everett is the Director of Marketing, Sales & Fan Development at Georgia Tech. Everett talks about the transition in her career, going from a tailgating culture to a budding opportunity of on. Everett discusses some of the issues surrounding how young people engage when starting out in the sports industry, as well as some of the easy ways to avoid such pitfalls. Twitter: @MarkeishaDenise
GovX presents a revolutionary way to both secure tickets as well as ensure that there is a well-coordinated outreach to the military and first responder communities. Founder Tony Farwell explains how GovX implements an across-the-board approach toward compliance for specific authorization of ticket offers. Farwell talks about the challenges and the upsell of implementation of the platform. Farwell then discusses his partnership into eSports, through Matcherino, which boasts a membership of over 750 million worldwide. Twitter: @ShopGovX
The Tulsa Oilers are one of the ECHL teams owned by a single entity. Oilers Vice President of Corporate Partnerships discusses how that actually helps each of the teams, including his own, reap the rewards of an advantage when selling through the Southwest. Duffy talks about ways to create activation by building up not only a credible fanbase with the public, but also with the business community, reinforcing the passion for the minor league hockey product throughout the Tulsa area. Duffy describes his passion for B2B, as well as some of the experiences that he's had with other teams, including selling premium suites and seats in the NFL, NBA, and NHL prior to the Oilers.
Bryan Blair returns for his second stint on the podcast (Ep. 251), and speaks about his transition toward becoming focused on being an athletic director. Blair talks about some of the issues surrounding the world of the compliance, while also understanding and engaging on the revenue side. Blair discusses some of his thoughts on the issues surrounding minority hiring at the top level of sports and how the BDSE program at the National Sports Forum has helped broadened his thought-process overall. Twitter: @BToTheBlair
The development of executive search in the sports space has become a vital component of both the college and professional ranks over the last decade, especially when it comes to universities going after the best candidates for athletic directors. Prodigy Sports' Vice President of Recruitment Mark Gress talks about the expansive nature of the sports industry executive search process, as well as the misconceptions of what a search firm can do for candidates, along with some of the ways that a hiring manager at a franchise can remain the end-all determination regardless of what the recruiter puts forth. Gress talks about how candidates can best prepare themselves, as well as some of the pitfalls of higher than honest expectations from young professionals about the decision-making process. Twitter: @MarkGressJr