Andy Dolich's career has spanned over 40 years, with just about every type of sport imaginable. Dolich recalls his early days with the Philadelphia 76ers, Maryland Arrows, Washington Capitals and Washington Diplomats. But Dolich's 15-year stint with the Oakland Athletics helped set him apart, revitalizing the Bay Area Major League Baseball team that only 326 season tickets, increasing it to over 16,000. Dolich refined the Athletics into "Billy Ball" with a marketing campaign that is credited with rebranding the entire ball club into the image of then-manager Billy Martin. Dolich shares his insight into the growth of sports marketing, especially gaining shared knowledge through peer-to-peer industry conferences, as well as his short-time at the Golden State Warriors. Dolich talks about how the relocation plans of the Vancouver-to-Memphis Grizzlies came about, as well as his tenure with the San Francisco 49ers. Twitter: @Koufish