Overseeing 36 community college athletic departments in two states and one Canadian Province, Northwest Athletic Conference Executive Director Marco Azurdia explains why his work is cut out for him. Azurdia talks about some of the challenges of increasing the professional development of his athletic directors, of ensuring student athlete welfare, and building trust between communities. Azurdia also talks about his own experiences in the NWAC, as a long-time women's basketball coach, and how it shaped his view of how to broaden athletic administration as a whole. Twitter: @nwaccommish
As the growth of sports management programs flourish in the United States, IUPUI associate professor David Pierce wonders what the breaking point will be. Pierce talks about the challenges of providing relevant information, as well as experiences, for the students in his program. Pierce discusses some of the better ways to implement a sales mindset for sports management students, and also how he sees himself as an instructor as the digital media landscape encroaches on academic availability of classes.
Athletic training has never been covered on the podcast prior, so it is a perfect storm when the Director of Sports Medicine at the University of Puget Sound Athletic Department comes on. Craig Bennett is not just an advocate for his industry, but also the president of the Washington State Athletic Trainers Association. Bennett discusses a lot of the issues surrounding athlete health, especially when it comes to the club and high school level concerning who is monitoring and administrating care.
The Man In The Yellow Suit is Jesse Cole, who owns the Gastonia Grizzlies and the Savannah Bananas at the age of 32, with his wife serving as the Director of Fun. Cole talks about his beginnings, starting with a team and $200 in the checking account, and realizing that fun was the best way to build a fanbase. Cole talks about how deeply entrenched the Bananas mindset is in Savannah, and how far he is willing to go to ensure that each fan has a great experience. Twitter: @YellowTuxJesse
With over two decades of experience in media, sales and advertising, Matt Jones explains how he helps place Delta State Athletics on the map, even in Cleveland, Mississippi. Jones talks about the relationship between the wins on the field, as well as how to get wins on the revenue ledger. Jones describes how the Division II football and baseball program at Delta State has earned a national presence, as well as provided building blocks for some of the other programs under the department. Jones finally shares his concerns about the lack of talent development for play-by-play broadcasting skills, with less opportunities available, and what that will mean as the older generation "retires out" for sports broadcasting presentation overall. Twitter: @OkraJones